On a continuous effort to support Solvochem customers, a one full-day seminar arranged with Brenntag Multisol/ Trychem for a 40 loyal customers of Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company (JPR) held at Crown Plaza Amman Hotel on Infineum Additives.

JPR CEO Eng. Abdul Kareem Alawi and Solvochem CEO Mr. Ramzi Khoury attended the opening ceremony of the seminar. Regional Sales Manager, Eng. Feras Atiyeh welcomed both CEOs, the attendees, and the lecturers of Brenntag Multisol/ Trychem.

He expressed Solvochem appreciation to the support of Brentag in promoting Infineum lubricant and fuel additives in our region. Atiyeh confirmed the long relation Solvochem and JPR have together in many aspects including supply of raw material for JPR lubricant factory.

Seminar aimed to provide understanding of lubrication requirements and additive technology. It included an overview of lubricant additive technology, lubrication requirements for various applications, and the fundamentals of engine design and operation.

Topics include crankcase lubricant formulation, power transmission fluids, additive components, small engine oils, lubricant base stocks, viscosity modifiers, updates on automotive lubricant industry market trends, as well as industry and OEM specifications.

The seminar went deep on the benefits of using Infineum additives while producing lubricants for all types of engines.